Protecting Edges, Crevices, and Irregular Steel Surfaces by Stripe Coating
The SSPC Standard Practice SSPC-PA Guide 11 Has Been Updated
Subject/Title: SSPC-PA Guide 11, Protecting Edges, Crevices, and Irregular Steel Surfaces by Stripe Coating
Committee Name: C.3.16, PA Guide 11 Revision
Committee Chair Name and Company: William D. Corbett, KTA-Tator, Inc.
Description of Contents/ Technical Revisions:
The 2020 revision adds definitions for some previously undefined terms, provides guidance to specifiers for
- Determining when the stripe coat is applied (before or after a full-coat application)
- Determining suitability of a coating for use as a stripe coat (cumulative DFT, compatibility)
- Preparing outside corners and edges for application of a stripe coat
- Treatment of flame-cut edges prior to application of stripe coat.
Additional Changes Include:
- Examples of specification language are included in a non-mandatory appendix.
- Illustrations of areas that may be considered for stripe coating have been added.
Stakeholders Value Statement (how the standard can be used):
The standard is intended for use by public and private owners and purchasing agencies that require their suppliers or facility owners to address corrosion prevention and control as an aspect of their purchased product or facility deliverable.
This guide discusses the technique called “stripe coating” or “striping” as a way of providing extra corrosion protection measures on edges, outside corners, crevices, bolt heads, welds, and other irregular steel geometries, including optional techniques that can be used to improve coating performance. It is not intended to provide all-encompassing guidance but rather offer options when preparing a project specification. The engineer should evaluate and address details on a project-specific basis.
Appendix A contains recommendations and sample language to assist the specification writer in addressing corrosion protection of edges, crevices, and irregular steel geometries, and Appendix B contains representative photographs of configurations or geometries that may benefit from stripe coating.
For more information on SSPC Standard Practices and Updates, please visit or contact Aimee Beggs at
National Steel Painting Contractors Association
PO Box 411
165 Warsaw St.
Depew, New York 14043